Podcast for horse

lovers hungry for


You will hear inspiring talks from vets, farriers, riders, masseurs, grooms etc.

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Episode 4

Sciene has moved on,

traditional farriery has remained the same

In this episode, I am talking to equine podiatrist.

The talk is an eye opener for me, going deep into how horse hoof functions and the Information the hooves keep about horses health.

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Episode 3

Farrier is not just someone who puts shoes on your horse every 6 weeks,

he is part of your horse's success

In this episode, I am talking to very experienced blacksmith about shoeing and why the team work is so important in the management of the horse.

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Episode 2

Horse Masseur-

my visit once in a month is not enough.

In this episode, I am talking to horse masseur and what we horse owners can do to keep our horses sound and happy.

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Episode 1

Inspiring rider & breeder of show jumping horses

In this episode, I am talking to rider and a breeder about her struggles and happy moments as a breeeder and a rider.

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